2025-02-20 11:55:17,491: INFO: Building contrail-general-base 2025-02-20 11:55:17,495: INFO: Building args: --network host --build-arg PIP_REPOSITORY=http://localhost:6667/pip/simple --build-arg CONTRAIL_REGISTRY=nexus.gz1.opensdn.io:5101 --build-arg CONTRAIL_CONTAINER_TAG=master-1_0_8_7-5_9 --build-arg SITE_MIRROR=http://nexus.gz1.opensdn.io/repository/external-web-cache --build-arg LINUX_DISTR_VER=9 --build-arg LINUX_DISTR=rockylinux --build-arg GENERAL_EXTRA_RPMS="" --build-arg BASE_EXTRA_RPMS="" --build-arg YUM_ENABLE_REPOS="" --build-arg CONTAINER_NAME=contrail-general-base --build-arg UBUNTU_DISTR_VERSION=22.04 --build-arg UBUNTU_DISTR=ubuntu --build-arg VENDOR_NAME=OpenSDN-IO --build-arg VENDOR_DOMAIN=io.opensdn #0 building with "default" instance using docker driver #1 [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile #1 transferring dockerfile: #1 transferring dockerfile: 2.65kB done #1 DONE 0.2s #2 [internal] load metadata for docker.io/library/rockylinux:9 #2 DONE 0.0s #3 [internal] load .dockerignore #3 transferring context: #3 transferring context: 2B done #3 DONE 0.2s #4 [1/7] FROM docker.io/library/rockylinux:9 #4 DONE 0.1s #5 [internal] load build context #5 transferring context: 22.07kB done #5 DONE 0.3s #6 [2/7] RUN mkdir /licenses #6 DONE 0.3s #7 [3/7] COPY licensing.txt /licenses #7 DONE 0.1s #8 [4/7] COPY *.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/ #8 DONE 0.2s #9 [5/7] COPY pip.conf /etc/ #9 DONE 0.1s #10 [6/7] COPY *.sh / #10 DONE 0.1s #11 [7/7] RUN source /etc/os-release ; YUM_ENABLE_REPOS=$(echo "" | tr -d '"') ; if [[ -n """" ]] ; then echo "INFO: contrail-general-base: enable repos """ ; if ! type -p yum-config-manager ; then yum install -y yum-utils ; fi ; yum-config-manager --enable "" ; yum clean metadata ; fi ; yum update -y -x "redhat-release*" -x "coreutils*" yum -y update-minimal --security --sec-severity=Important --sec-severity=Critical ; pkgs="hostname iproute less wget openssl" ; GENERAL_EXTRA_RPMS=$(echo "" | tr -d '"' | tr ',' ' ') ; if [[ -n """" ]] ; then pkgs+=" """ ; fi ; yum install -y $pkgs ; source /functions.sh ; yum install -y python3 python3-pip ; python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools ; rm -rf /root/.cache ; yum clean all -y ; rm -rf /var/cache/yum ; groupadd --gid 1999 --system contrail ; useradd -md /home/contrail --uid 1999 --shell /sbin/nologin --system --gid 1999 contrail #11 0.090 /bin/sh: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (en_US.UTF-8) #11 0.211 Failed to set locale, defaulting to C.UTF-8