2025-01-04 22:23:12,962 - INFO - Domain Default found not creating
2025-01-04 22:23:13,093 - INFO - Project ctest-AnalyticsBasicTestSanity-18214992 not found, creating it
2025-01-04 22:23:13,151 - ERROR - Exception while creating project
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/contrail-test/common/isolated_creds.py", line 184, in create_tenant
File "/contrail-test/fixtures/project_test.py", line 99, in setUp
File "/contrail-test/fixtures/project_test.py", line 133, in create
File "/contrail-test/fixtures/project_test.py", line 70, in _create_project
self.project_obj = self.vnc_lib_fixture.project_read(id=self.uuid)
File "/contrail-test/fixtures/vnc_api_test.py", line 238, in hook
return act_attr(*args, **kwargs)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vnc_api/vnc_api.py", line 52, in wrapper
return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vnc_api/vnc_api.py", line 728, in _object_read
response = self._request_server(OP_GET, uri, query_params)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vnc_api/vnc_api.py", line 1128, in _request_server
retry_after_authn=retry_after_authn, retry_count=retry_count)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vnc_api/vnc_api.py", line 1181, in _request
% (op, url, data, content))
vnc_api.exceptions.NoIdError: Unknown id: Error: oper 2 url /project/2545b708-0cc5-46df-9544-0a4a3666ffb5 body {'exclude_back_refs': True, 'exclude_children': True} response Unknown id: 2545b708-0cc5-46df-9544-0a4a3666ffb5
2025-01-04 22:23:14,523 - INFO - ================================================================================
2025-01-04 22:23:14,523 - INFO - STARTING TEST : test_verify_object_logs
2025-01-04 22:23:14,523 - INFO - TEST DESCRIPTION :
Description: Test to validate object logs
1.Create vn/vm and verify object log tables updated with
those vn, vm and routing-instance - fails otherwise
Maintainer: sandipd@juniper.net
2025-01-04 22:23:14,650 - DEBUG - Nothing to compare xmpp stats {'': {'': '0'}} with
2025-01-04 22:23:14,650 - INFO - Initial checks done. Running the testcase now
2025-01-04 22:23:14,650 - INFO -
2025-01-04 22:23:15,171 - ERROR - NoIdError
Python 3.6.8: /usr/bin/python3
Sat Jan 4 22:23:14 2025
A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of
function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.
/contrail-test/tcutils/wrappers.py in wrapper(self=, *args=(), **kwargs={})
79 log.info('Initial checks done. Running the testcase now')
80 log.info('')
81 result = function(self, *args, **kwargs)
82 if self.inputs.upgrade:
83 pid = os.getpid()
result = None
function =
self =
args = ()
kwargs = {}
/contrail-test/scripts/analytics/test_analytics_basic.py in test_verify_object_logs(self=)
34 start_time=str(OpServerUtils.utc_timestamp_usec())
35 vn_fixture= self.useFixture(VNFixture(connections=self.connections,
36 vn_name=vn_name, subnets=vn_subnets))
37 vn_fixture.verify_on_setup()
38 vm1_fixture = self.create_vm(vn_fixture=vn_fixture, image_name='cirros')
vn_name = 'ctest-vn22-61065666'
subnets undefined
vn_subnets = ['']
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/testtools/testcase.py in useFixture(self=, fixture=)
754 # Gather_details worked, so raise the exception setUp
755 # encountered.
756 reraise(*exc_info)
757 else:
758 self.addCleanup(fixture.cleanUp)
global reraise =
exc_info = (, NoIdError('Error: oper 1 url /fqname-to-id body ...AnalyticsBasicTestSanity-18214992\'] not found',), )
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/testtools/_compat3x.py in reraise(exc_class=, exc_obj=NoIdError('Error: oper 1 url /fqname-to-id body ...AnalyticsBasicTestSanity-18214992\'] not found',), exc_tb=, _marker=